Search results - "name" |
IMG_20151004_141207.jpgTOTT Oct 2015 planes41 viewsYou name it they got it.
From users to collectorsdlarue
3.jpgBetter image?113 viewsThis appears to be a better shot of the name stamp.
I have learned that is is H & R BOKERSgt42RHR
2.jpgH & R ROKER name stamp104 viewsI've used these dividers for several years and last night just happened to notice what appeared to be a letter stamp on one of the legs of the divider. After some careful scraping this was revealed H & R ROKER [CAST STEEL?] Does anyone know about this manufacturer?
I have just learned that it is H & R BOKER. Sgt42RHR
Johnston_wood_stamp.jpgMy maker's mark stamps54 viewsI mark all my finished work and some of my wooden tools with two stamps. First, I use a small stamp with my last name in all 1/16" capitals. Next, my name is surmounted with a First Model Brown Bess musket Storekeeper's mark.Sgt42RHR
003~0.JPGFamiliar Name232 viewsJust happened to notice this in a "smalls" caseroy griggs
threadyshaft.jpgWhatsit61 viewsThe name on the shaft of the thing with the threads.madwing
100_4849.JPGTool Group meeting Apr 201319 viewsStuff I brought home from the Tool Group of Canada meeting. 2 SJ Addis chisels, one no-name chisel, a coupld of small stones, a riggers knife, and two leather prickers.dlarue
100_4850.JPGAxolite stone22 viewssmall white sharpening stone, quite fine.
still has most of the box, and name on the stone too.dlarue
ghi1.JPGghi137 viewsG: Lufkin brass bound 36 inch 4 fold rule. $7
H: Stanley No 36 1/2 12 inch 1 fold boxwood rule with caliper end, marked in 8ths and 12ths. $5
I: Stanley (?) No 68 24 inch 4 fold rule. Stanley doesn't actually have it's name on this, so I'm guessing. $7curt seeliger
jkl1.JPGjkl142 viewsJ: Stanley 130A Yankee driver. Plastic handle that's not really brown, red or purple, but does have a slight texture for a manly feel. $7
K:Stanley 130A Yankee driver. Plastic handle that's not really brown, red or purple, but does have a smooth surface for a sexy feel. $5
L: Wards Master Quality (with a name like that it has to be good) push drill. $3curt seeliger
w1.JPGW34 viewsCollection of small, plastic handled drivers. These work, but are ugly. Two Yankee Handyman No 233H and a nameless drill with no bits. $1curt seeliger
saws~0.jpgsaws40 viewsDisston 4 (I'm guessing) 1877-78 medallion, no name 16" panel saw, MF 10C drilldwittner