Search results - "no." |

Millers_Falls_no__2-01_Taylor_backsaw.jpgMillers Falls no. 2-01 and Taylor Backsaw67 viewsA great Millers Falls Egg Beater in a size that I didn't already own, A little clean up and lube and she'll be working great. A project Taylor backsaw which has been de-rusted. Teeth to be jointed, filed and sharpened. I will keep the cross-cut filing, clean up the handle and blue the back. This will make a nice carcass sawBrentpmed

20140617_1334c.jpg26in Stridsberg & Biörk Trollhattan No.100143 viewsSaw is close to full depth as the heel stamps are complete.
U 7T

oliver.jpgOliver No. 2 Mitre Trimmer28 viewsI owned this for a few years, finally sold it to reclaim 16 square feet of shop space. But I miss it still. dlarue

2012_9090x8934scs.jpgHurwood Al &Stanley No.13065 viewsGifts from EduardoSchwartz

2013_2673ss.jpgStanley No.130 restoration65 viewsWedges everywhere!Schwartz

2013_2679ss.jpgStanley No.130 bull nose block plane69 viewsGift from Eduardo de Diego, now restored.Schwartz

2013_2547cs.jpgNo.106 Fray? ratcheting brace105 viewsNo patent marks, clear impressions of "CT." and "U.S.A." and what looks to me like "J?HN ?R??"Schwartz

2013_2479ss.jpgTrollhatten No.100 trademark56 viewsThe etch shows electrical transmission towers and lines across Troppo Falls on the Göta River, at Trollhatten, Sweden. The firm apparently moved there from Torshälla in 1879 to gain access to abundant hydro power.Schwartz

2013_2481ss.jpgTrollhatten No.10070 viewsThe saw plate shows the outline of the handle. I'd like to see a handled example to use as a pattern.Schwartz

groovy.jpgOdds and ends89 viewsSome fun stuff, for me: a nice little pair of forged steel scissors, a flathead screwdriver bit, an unused socket chisel handle, a Starrett scribe, a Plomb no. 235 ignition wrench, and a Plomb Phillips head screwdriver (both from 1941).madwing

2012_0016s.jpgWooden screw samples No 1-488 viewsNo.1 - Cutter in as-found condition. Off-the shelf dry birch dowelling, not rounded. V at minor diameter is a sharp, but rough corner. Magnification shows tearing there.
No.2 - Cutter as-found. Off-the shelf dry maple dowelling, not rounded. No change in condition at minor diameter.
No.3 - Cutter honed, hook removed & out-cannel formed. Less tearing in the rounded bottom of the V.
No.4 - No change from No.3

2012_0019s.jpg5/8in vintage boxwood screw box & sample No.657 viewsThis screw (No.4) was cut in off-the-shelf maple dowel, with no lubrication of any kind. It was not pre-sized or rounded. Note sharpness of the crests on the thread. The little hook has been removed from the cutter heel. The cutter is a very tight fit in its mortise. It takes considerable force to budge it.Schwartz