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TOTT_Mar_2015_1.jpgHaul from Mar 2015 Tools Of The Trade sale27 views3 spools of linen thread, an oval turning skew, a couple of cold chisels, a paor of spokeshaves (Stanley #63 & 64), a boxwood handled Marples sash morticing chisel, a pair of odd flat-nosed piers, a 1mm carving gouge, a very large sawtooth Forstner bit, a center finder, a small sharpening stone, a bottle of Yankee fluted drill points, and a couple of levels.dlarue

nose_auger_1.jpgNose Auger 122 viewsinside of the cutting edgedlarue

nose_auger_2.jpgNose Auger 220 viewsbusiness end of the bitdlarue

100_5106.JPGMarples Centre Bits22 viewsNOS centre bits.
See the pretty tempering colours?dlarue

sillinplace.jpgSill install - in place120 viewsI still had to nail on the bullnose molding to the vertical corners of the window opening and obviously the plasterwork needs to be done. madwing

2013_2679ss.jpgStanley No.130 bull nose block plane69 viewsGift from Eduardo de Diego, now restored.Schwartz

flea_mkt_2.jpgnothing over $3134 viewsMore clutter for the shop...
MAC tools 1/4" #'s
Horror freight 3/16" #'s and ltrs
craftsman screwdriver bits
Southington square
!/4" ratchet, gasket punch, sm. sledge, NOS handleroy griggs

ABCD1.JPGabcd145 viewsA. Stanley No. 9 1/2 adjustable mouth block plane. $10
B: Stanley G12-060 adjustable mouth low-angle plane. Blade stamped 'Made in England'. $15
C: Apparent Stanley No. 60, though it doesn't say so anywhere that I can see. $5
D: Millers Falls No. 4 Bull nose rabbet plane. in pretty good shape. $10curt seeliger

abcd2.JPGabcd233 viewsA. Stanley No. 9 1/2 adjustable mouth block plane. $10
B: Stanley G12-060 adjustable mouth low-angle plane. Blade stamped 'Made in England'. $15
C: Apparent Stanley No. 60, though it doesn't say so anywhere that I can see. $5
D: Millers Falls No. 4 Bull nose rabbet plane. in pretty good shape. $10curt seeliger

abcd3.JPGabcd327 viewsA. Stanley No. 9 1/2 adjustable mouth block plane. $10
B: Stanley G12-060 adjustable mouth low-angle plane. Blade stamped 'Made in England'. $15
C: Apparent Stanley No. 60, though it doesn't say so anywhere that I can see. $5
D: Millers Falls No. 4 Bull nose rabbet plane. in pretty good shape. $10curt seeliger

Stanley_Braces_Nos_73___923_2011_7913_s.jpgStanley 5 inch No.73 (England) and 14 inch No.923 (Canada) braces 292 viewsEach has number and swing stamped on the frame arm nearest the pad, with company name opposite. Each also has a place of manufacture stamp with Stanley squared logo on the chuck nearest the frame.Schwartz

006.JPGCap Iron/Chip Breaker and Beading Blade26 viewsThe Cap Iron mounts in the front for Bullnose work and in the back for open areas.
The Beading Blade came mounted in the back position. I'm told that a Beading Blade is not a normal item for this plane.OldSneelock