Search results - "oak" |

knockonwood.jpgKnock on wood44 viewsa bit of figured oak, scraped and oiled and shellaced for the tray in the car. nicknaylo

glazing_on_top_door.jpgMuntins87 viewsThere are four rows and three columns of lights. A little dark oil-based glaze was applied at the fillets and then wiped away with a mineral spirits soaked rag, the detail of the moulding really jumps out with the shadow lines.Sgt42RHR

oak_lumber.JPGlumber43 viewsfound a great deal on quartered white oak. perfect for Arts and Crafts style chair my daughter asked me to build for my grandsonBrentpmed

tile_table_done.jpgtile topped table25 viewstile topped table for xmas 2014
poplar legs, red oak aprons, sassafras edgesdlarue

benchdrawers.jpgTool Bench and Storage Drawers94 viewsThese were built by my grandfather in the 40s. Mostly redwood, plus some oak flooring on the top of the bench for hard work. All of the drawers/cubbies are full of stuff. Thanks, Gramps!madwing

JewelryBox1.jpgSandy's Rewards138 viewsJewelry box made from red oak, salvaged from a neighbor's friend's yard in the weeks following Hurricane "Sandy." Boards were riven by hand from the "rounds" left by the tree service.jjl134

2013-01-07_22-09-59_549.jpgbending form56 viewssteam bent oak trim, clamped in bending formnicknaylo

Oakville-20121012-00403.jpgestate sale oct 201249 viewsone of the few real estate sales I have seen in our area. Managed to get in grab some juk and get out in time to pack for camping trip..dlarue

Oakville-20120930-00391.jpgTools of the Trade Sept 201231 viewsmy haul from the tool showdlarue

Oakville-20120929-00385.jpgMorrow drill index garagse sale Sept 201237 viewsMorrow
Ingersoll Can
1/16 to 1/2 inch.
5 bucks (ouch!)dlarue

Oakville-20120929-00383.jpgSept 2012 garage sale clamps31 viewsWetzler Clamp Co
Long Island City
2 dollars apiece :^)dlarue

2012-07-28_14-29-27_92.jpgscrub planing into something like flat..ish43 views5.5 plane with deep camber on the blade. Bringing the live oak down to flatnicknaylo
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