Search results - "painted" |

Massachusetts_low_chest_drawer_pull_hardware.jpgDrawer pulls87 viewsAll hardware was bright brass from Ball & Ball. I painted it all with gun bluing which turned it black, then I steel wooled and polished with Simichrome polish which left patina in the deep recesses and hard to reach spots. In this view, one can also see the effect of the dark glaze applied in the fillet of the thumbnail moulding around the drawers.Sgt42RHR

Virginia_corner_cabinet1.jpgEastern shore of Virginia corner cabinet171 viewsI began this two years ago in a class with Lonnie Bird at the Lonnie Bird School of Fine Woodworking, and just got back to finishing it up. While most Eastern shore of Virginia corner cabinets were painted pine, a few were made in walnut. These were typically build by finish carpenters rather than joiners. These carpenters used elements they were familiar with in building homes in the Eastern shore. Glazed doors, arched top doors, raised panel doors, strong bases, fluted pilasters, set-back capitals, etSgt42RHR

6c_sole.jpgtype 15 6C sole72 viewsThis plane looked a wreck when I found it. Covered in rust and the entire bed painted silver. After removing the silver paint, I found > 80% japanning underneath. An unexpected treat!Brentpmed

100_4680.JPGpainted mask20 viewshideous.dlarue

dscn1093_crop_scale.jpgPainted bird and bat houses34 viewsCompleted bird and bat houses. My son built the houses as party of the the requirements for the Webelos (Cub Scout) Craftsman Activity Badge. My wife and son painted the houses. timpendleton

IMG_0282.JPGCleaned and repainted.116 viewsjjl134

IMG_0989.JPGFinished Base74 viewsThe graduated drawers are fit on 100# full extension slides, and the area under the sink is painted. Ready to install the top and sink, and then make the drawer fronts.TRexF16

P3160073_s.jpgStorage cabinets31 viewsAnother view of the back wall, this is in front of the "parking" section of the garage. All the cabinets are made from scrap, thus they got painted. The doors are all done with Chalkboard paint and labeled with the contents. If I run out of something, I put a checkmark next to it, and just look at the cabinets as I'm heading out to the store. Once an item is replenished, I erase the checkmark. Clever idea I gleaned from a DIY e-newsletter.dpearce

painted_tools.jpgPainted Tools67 viewsQuick, someone call the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Coloring Ayrn)...painted saws AND a Scythe! timpendleton

Burned_bowl.jpgBowl31 viewsA small bowl made of unknown wood. It is carved around the top, then wood burned. The inside was burned with a torch, then painted black.Oldmillrat

Set_of_platters.jpgPlatters35 viewsHere is a set of 5 platters. These were turned, burned, carved, dyed, painted, and otherwise decorated.
My complaint with most woodturning is that unless you can see a signature on a piece, you cannot tell who the artist was. Turnings mostly look alike, except for some of the professional turners.
My pieces are mostly very distinctive. When I bring pieces to how at each meeting of my club, everyone usually knows my work. It's different.Oldmillrat

100_5371.JPGThe central pegboard64 viewsYou have to ignore that tailed monster sitting on the bench. Oh, and the painted saw. What can I say. I like primitive art!neanderman
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