Search results - "patent" |

DSC_0784_reduced.jpgShadow Box II80 views32" wide by 23" tall. A few nice tools. Stanley No 1 bench plane in upper right corner. Blade stamped L. Bailey in half circle - Patented - Dec 24, 1867 (I think 67).

2013_2547cs.jpgNo.106 Fray? ratcheting brace105 viewsNo patent marks, clear impressions of "CT." and "U.S.A." and what looks to me like "J?HN ?R??"Schwartz

Picture.jpg16 viewsSimonds saw jointer, closeup of the scale. There are 2 thumbscrews that hold the sliding sheet metal piece. There are no marks on either side of the sheet metal to correcspond with the scale, but it is obvious that the pieces go together.
No patent dates anywhere so I cn't look that up either.galootgary

patent_nuts.jpgpatent saw rivets / nuts25 viewsNo slots on either side. These appear to be rivets of some sort.
No patent date or number, just the work "patent".

old_saw.jpgold saw23 viewsold saw with patented nuts, nib too-flat handle.dlarue

spearjackson_button.jpgspearjackson button81 viewsThere is a decorative button on the top horn which tops off a dowel that runs down through the handle, presumably to make the handle stronger. You can't read it in this photo, but on it is printed: Patent (I can't make out all of the numbers)
The button may be ivory, it has that patina and checks in it, but it could be some other material. The pin holding the button in place may be brass. Brentpmed

trauts_patent.JPGtraut's patent30 viewsStanley #46 skew-ironed plow plane, has March 4 73 patent date on it. How long did they keep using this stamp? My plane has post-1900 characteristics, per B&G.dlarue

Pile_of_patented_planes.jpg111 viewsJust some "rare patented planes" jumbled under a workbench!jerkinsj
IMG_1451_(800x600).jpgBack of Frog seat79 viewsNot tapped for adjustment screw. No patent date cast into sole. No raised ring for knob. Don't know of any type which would have these features.TRexF16

TSrodier1.jpgRodier's Patent side view277 views This shows the corrugations on the sides that were also cast in. writt

TSrodier2.jpgRodier's Patent overview206 views This view gives some clue as to the workings of this plane. writt

TSrodier3.jpgRodier's Patent sole204 views Those wavy corrugations are cast into the sole. writt