Search results - "patternmaker" |

IMG_3442.jpgThe chisels111 views15 lathe chisels (mostly Buck Bros.), seven crank-necked parers (Buck Bros.), 4 crank-necked gouges (Buck Bros.), a Buck and a Greenlee paring chisel with a Buck gouge between, and three Herring Bros. gouges at the bottom; these were all from a patternmaker's estate. The roll at the top is a set of 17 Beevel (Germany) carving chisels, a leather hammer, and an India stone slip; these came from another seller.madwing

IMG_3443.jpgThe rest of the haul165 viewsFrom the estate of a patternmaker. A Type 13 3c, two low angle blocks, a bunch of files, some square shanked twist drills, and other cool stuff.madwing

eagle.JPGNew Yost Patternmaker's Vise69 viewsProcured through the collaborative efforts of two other Bay Area Galoots, this is currently resting in one of their garages, pending handoff.madwing

Rules_-_Patternmakers.JPGRules - Patternmakers161 viewsTRexF16

Stanley_100.JPGStanley 100 "Patternmakers Plane"348 viewsShows plane and dovetailed box with mahogany lid and decal.GalootFrank

Stanley_100_Box.JPGStanley 100 "Patternmakers Plane"152 viewsPatternmaker's plane with seven bottoms.GalootFrank