Search results - "pedal" |

Chapman_Movable_Forge_Treadle_Grinder_Clutch.JPGTreadle Grinder Clutch101 viewsFrom the looks of the layout there was a strap attached to the two screws on the left hand hub of the clutch. When the pedal is pushed down the strap unwinds causing the clutch to engage and rotate the shaft and large flat belt pulley. When the pedal is released the clutch ratchets back and resets for another pulse.

153.jpgpedal jig saw120 viewsBack side of the saw, straightward constructionjohn krau

decatur_bridge_036.jpgwood jigsaw101 viewsFactory built pedal jigsaw, belt driven, as seen at swapmeetjohn krau

flywheel_cleaned.JPG21 inch pedal flywheel141 views64 lbs, marked only Patented April 14, 1898. the start of Treadle Lathe Concept #3nicknaylo

DSCN2557.jpgNewest Toy Carousel on the right171 viewsMade the first one, on the left in '03, in cherry. New one for a co worker of the LW with twins, in Curly maple and walnut, White oak and walnut horses, cut out on pedal jigsaw, disks turned and grooved on treadle lathe, finial from the lathe as well. BLO and Shellac finishnicknaylo

100_0507pedalpower_scroll_saw.JPGpedal scroll saw112 viewsA very fine pedal power scroll saw, owned by a local tool collector.john krau

100_0763flywheels2.JPGflywheels, watchmakers lathe128 viewsMore auction finds. Foot powered flywheels. Wheels approx. 18 inches dia. All cast iron and heavy. One in rear is powered by a foot pedal and crank. the right one has an actual stirrup, and the left one has a roller that pushes a cam. It weighs at least 75 lbs. The Chicago Watch Tool Co. embossed on legs. Used to power the watchmakers lathe.john krau

DSCN2286.jpgCoping with a Barnes Velocipede140 viewsas the endless bathroom remodel creaks to a finish, the little pieces of wainscot molding around the doors and windows need to be coped. those short little pieces are a breeze on the 100 yr old pedal powered jigsaw. nicknaylo