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DSC_0772_reduced.jpgShadow Box I62 views25" wide by 22" tall. Nice 12" Diston & Sons and a skewed multi-plane with some blades - Probably a Stanley or Sergeant. Anybody want the tube repair press :0)SomedayForge

20140810_1717ss.jpg2nd pressing122 viewsSchwartz

hook2.jpgcrochet hook extender23 viewspress fit in purpleheart nicknaylo

2013_2547cs.jpgNo.106 Fray? ratcheting brace105 viewsNo patent marks, clear impressions of "CT." and "U.S.A." and what looks to me like "J?HN ?R??"Schwartz

threadybody.jpgWhatsit79 viewsA threaded thing with six parts, plus an outer part that seems to move up and down. Seems to fit in a drill press.madwing

jack-stone5.jpgReversible Oil Stone from Pike131 viewsThis is how it's set up. The box opens, and the metal stone holder (double-sided) flips back and forth, resting on the edge of the box. There is a pressure-plate held against one end of the stone with a screw, and that keeps the stone in the metal holder.madwing

IMG_9569_gic.jpgsplit peg for git workbench51 viewsI bored some holes and mad these split pegs for him to hammer through. The peg is sawed for about 60% of its length from one end, and then from the other at 90 deg to the first cut. That way it stays together but will compress over its entire length.dhahn

book_presses.jpg103 viewsBook pressesjerkinsj

100_5176.jpg63 viewsShot from the side with a 7" board and 18" OC screws. The screws are 6 TPI, but I don;t see it as a problem. Most boards will be close to 3/4", and to move the screws quickly, just grab the handle with one hand and the screw with the other and they move quickly. Holds very tight with just hand pressure.Ruby

65lbs.jpgI was able to squeeze the bathroom scales to ~65 lbs.160 viewsI don't think this was anything like an accurate measure of maximum clamping pressure, because the cam will only flex the spring arm to a hair short of 3/8" from rest. That went to the 65 lb. mark, but If I could get another purchase I think it would go more-not that you need much more to hold a tight glue joint until it sets.Tom11

IMG_2543s.jpgReplica of the Gutenberg Press at Mainz, Germany.443 viewsSchwartz

IMG_2545es.jpgDetail of Gutenberg Press replica453 viewsThe included angle of the screw threads appear to be about 100 degrees.Schwartz