Search results - "rabbit" |

ky_bandsaw.jpgKY_bandsaw79 viewsbandsaw at Rabbit Hash KYBret Rochotte

Wayne_A__with_Rabbets_gic.jpgWayne Anderson plane with Rabbits95 viewsMy new (June 2008) W. Anderson plane with cocobolo infill - sitting with my collection of rabbit planes.GalootFrank
Hamler_Tools_(Large).jpgHamler Tools96 viewsHere are a few of Paul Hamler's creations. Two miniature versions of the Type 2 Stanley 71 router, a "Slipper" plane, 3 rabbit planes, His newest router plane and an L. Bailey key chain.GalootFrank

Hamler_Care_Pkg.JPGPlane Kits134 viewsRouter plane and "rabbit" plane kitsGalootFrank

Rabbit_and_Brothers.JPGSmall Planes250 viewsHamler rabbit plane leading Birmingham brothers.GalootFrank

Rabbit_and_Birmingham.JPGRabbit Plane242 viewsRabbit plane sitting on the "front porch" of a Birmingham plane.GalootFrank

PICT0235.jpgRabbiting/dadoing plywood1535 viewsspike

PICT0237.jpgRabbiting/dadoing plywood2454 viewsspike