Search results - "razor" |

2013_2723ss.jpgBoxed razor hone.99 viewsSchwartz

hone_logos.jpgrazor hones25 viewsdwittner

6_c_left_side.jpg6C left121 viewsThe picture shows some staining/patina, but no real pitting. This was covered in rust. Cleaned with mineral spirits, razor blade and scotch brite pads. I elected not to take it back to brite, I like the patina of use. Brentpmed

box_open_top_view.JPGBox open, top view226 viewsHere is the top view of the box open showing the two lidded compartments, spaces for three razors, and the dish for the soap. The mirror is hinged at the top with two hinges near each corner.Sgt42RHR

detail_of_lock_and_joints.JPGDetail of box joints and lock199 viewsThe joints forming the corners of this box are quite fine. Note also the tiny turned knobs on the compartments, and the thin dividers between the spaces for the razorsSgt42RHR

Ward___Co__New_York_slitting_gauge-Galootaclaus_2011.jpgWard & Co. New York slitting gauge72 viewsThank you Elf Josh, this is a lovely tool, the fence is true and tight, the blade is polished and razor sharp. I really like the RB initials stamped on each side of the stem. This gauge will fit in nicely with my plans for veneering chests.

2011_8207s.jpgDrawer side secondary wood182 viewsExamination of razor-cut endgrain under 15X magnification suggests this is Black Ash (aka Swamp Ash)- a North American hardwood in a chest of British origin. Both side grain & endgrain closely resemble the sample shown at

P1060652.jpgSmall die-cast plane83 views"Select Planer razor blade tool.
The worlds sharpest tool.
Use any double-edge razor blade"
Has two blade holders, one straight one curvedjonjunk

P1060651_2.jpgRazor blade plane71 viewsDie-cast metal. The funnel shaped piece screws the cap onto the blade and acts as a horn.Box is marked 3289504 and "Winston Sales Co. ... Chicago.jonjunk

IMG_0952.JPGJuly 17, 2010 Estate Sale finds292 viewsThis is just a small part of the haul from two estate sales today. The total for everything here was 20 bucks. Bedrock 605 1/2, new Marples mortise gauge, new Marples 1" chisel, Norton Hard Translucent Arkansas stone, two Washita stones need lapping, Snow and Nealley PicknHoe, with factory sheath, Berea Rocky River Oilstone as new in tattered box, J.S. Cantelo (Boston) folding draw knife, Berylco non-sparking Beryllium Claw hammer, two as new Bessey F-Clamps, 2 razor hones, 1 square India stone.TRexF16

606Ctote.jpgRosewood Tote, 606C72 viewsIt was pretty well dirty, so I soaked it in BLO/Turps/Beeswax mix for an hour, then rubbed it clean with 0000 steel wool. Some paint spots remained, so I cleaned them off with a razor blade, and then finished it off with more wax and 0000 steel wool.madwing

hone.jpgrazor hone26 viewsQuick and Easy RSD honedwittner
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