Search results - "rip" |

Hammer3.jpgview of marking on hammer head.75 viewsI see manuscript *antown* as the last letters, I can't quite make out the beginning letters. It almost appears that the lettering is engraved rather than stamped?Sgt42RHR

IMG_20170225_223915.jpgpower grip42 viewsend grip for rough work, when you want to hog off a lot of wood.dlarue

IMG_20170225_223903.jpgchoking up36 viewsupper grip area, choking up on the tool for detail workdlarue

IMG_20160525_194606.jpgripping35 viewsripping out the head and foot railsdlarue

IMG_20160724_203505.jpgready for the mattress22 viewsone 4X8 foot sheet of 1/4 inch plywood ripped and pieced together.
I made most of the cuts with a japanese carpentry saw.
Mad skills.dlarue

spoon_horse.jpgspoon horse16 viewsan accessory for the shaving horse - for gripping spoonsdlarue

IMG_5274.JPGGlue up of waterfall joint30 viewsUsed white glue to attach strips of poplar with 45 degree edge for clamping. After glue up "popped" off strips and cleaned up any left over glue.jerkinsj

LodiSawVise2.jpgBench grips on Lodi Saw Vise24 viewsnicknaylo

maple_plane_blank.jpgmaple plane blank20 viewsblank for plane body ripped to rough size.dlarue

burnished.jpg2013 Xmas BBQ - burnished mahogany41 viewswe tried out Richard's burnishing "broom" on some ribbon striped mahogany. dlarue

Flea_Haul.JPGFlea Market Haul102 viewsA very successful ad hoc trip. Stearns cabinet scraper, Union hacksaw and two smithing tools lead the parade, along with some nice old automobile wrenches, miscellaneous hammers and other odds and ends.jjl134

2013_2713ss.jpgT. Eaton Edgerite panel saw165 viewsAfter stripping dried oil, removing rust and wet-rubbing with 600x SiC paper with a rubber sanding block. Schwartz