Search results - "roof" |

IMG_20150802_134429476.jpgWhatsit??26 viewsOn the curb while picking up the teen, probably good steel, roof jacks? nicknaylo

hip_roof_002.JPGhip roof tool box 178 viewsdon't know maker roy griggs

hip_roof_001.JPGhip roof tool box69 viewsI've had this one awhile '65/66roy griggs

Survival_Stick_contents.jpgSurvival stick contents66 viewsMagnifying glass to start fires. Knife and sharpening stone. Trot line, fly fishing line and lures. Compass. Swedish fire steel. Waterproof matches. Mirror under the compass. Whistle. Waterproof container that slides into the top of the stick. Brass tacks to measure depths up to two feet. Sam Peterson

dscn0656_scaled.jpgInteresting roof, Moscow Zoo, June 200956 viewsBuilding in Moscow Zoo compound, with interesting roof. June 2009timpendleton

dscn0657_scale_adj_crop.jpgMoscow Zoo, June 200935 viewsInteresting roof and shingle detail on structure in Moscow Zoo compound. June 2009.timpendleton

dscn0434_scaled.jpgMoscow April 200955 viewsWooden shingles on roof of Romanov Palace Chambers in Zaryadye. This is about three blocks from Red Square.timpendleton

dscn0435_scaled.jpgMoscow April 200952 viewsWooden shingles on roof of Romanov Palace Chambers in Zaryadye. This is about three blocks from Red Square.timpendleton

BirdA.jpgNew and Improved125 viewsWeasel ( yarn winder) calibrated to make a "Pop" every 200 yards of yarn. The spinner then makes a knot in the yarn and continues to turn the weasel until all her yarn is measured.
I made this one with the gearbox as a birdhouse with a removable roof, so you could look at the works.
Entirely of tulip poplar, excepting gears. The hub is a turned section of tree limb. The dark wood is the pretty heartwood of the tulip tree,
The little Red Bird is cherry, of course.
Poly finish.

07_proof_concept.jpgproof of concept93 viewsHere's the beech pen parts I made as a test before trying the curly maple. I actually like the beech better.dlarue

006.JPGRoof view of Squirrewl feeder63 viewsNote the use of half lap joinery on roof section. I used dados, screws and Titebond glue. In the future I may try it with out the screws. This was a christmas present for my step father. So I didnt want it to come apart. KellysW