Search results - "saw" |

Cabinet_front.jpgCabinet front closed152 viewsThe carcase and frame is all made from a single 40 year old air dried Appalachian black walnut board. The two panels are resawn and book matched from a single off cut of Indiana black walnut saved from the burn pile. The finish is four coals of 1-pound cut amber shellac, well rubbed out with 0000 steel wood after each coat. The whole is finished with a coat of Liberon brown paste wax. The knob is an ebony violin tuning peg. Closure is achieved by a rare earth magnet and a steel screw.Sgt42RHR

IMG_20170807_130722.jpgmakeshift reamer25 viewstaper reamer turned on pole lathe, using hacksaw blade for the cutter.dlarue

DSC_0772_reduced.jpgShadow Box I62 views25" wide by 22" tall. Nice 12" Diston & Sons and a skewed multi-plane with some blades - Probably a Stanley or Sergeant. Anybody want the tube repair press :0)SomedayForge

IMG_2799.JPGGalootaclaus 2016 80 views11 items, two for chunks of Bodark and Mesquite from Texas, two for chisels needing a boatload of care, a bit holder also needing some help, a box of #7 slotted flat heads from Sweden of all places, dual sheave blocks, a mystery #593 Stanley hammer without faces, a NIB set of 6 Greenlee Irwin style bits, some acid brushes, and a tubular thing that apparently grows that way - never saw anything like this before, but I'm guessing that grew in Texas too. Quite an assortment.Charlie Driggs

GC2016.JPGGaloot a Claus 201640 viewsBooks on iron and scrollsaw work, shopmade brass square/sanding blocks, caliper rule, Stanley chisel, LV calendar, Swiss chocolate plane and gnome (don't ask) and fine adult libationsnicknaylo

sawscrewbox.jpgDisston saw screws in box39 viewsflea market find

DecAlameda16.jpgAlameda December 201637 viewsFleaBAGs Alameda haul, IOB beader and T&G planes, side rabbet and razee jack planes, clamps, saws, brace etc. nicknaylo

IMG_20160724_203505.jpgready for the mattress22 viewsone 4X8 foot sheet of 1/4 inch plywood ripped and pieced together.
I made most of the cuts with a japanese carpentry saw.
Mad skills.dlarue

saw_knife.jpgSaw Knife28 viewsbugbear

scratch_saw.jpg29 viewsSmall tool for making well controlled kerfsbugbear

Ready_to_cut.jpgSlab Desk37 viewsGetting ready to cut the top. Note reference lines drawn to maintain 90 degrees with ends as there are no straight edges. After this cut, a friend's track saw was used to make them 45 degrees.jerkinsj
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