Search results - "sawbench" |

sawbench_3.JPG168 viewsKnee high so I can hold down work with my knee. About 30" long and 11" wide. holes in top for holdfasts. Stretchers morticed into legs. Southern yellow pine. The plywood gussetts are probably overkill, but hey, It will never wobble. Brentpmed

sawbench_2.JPGsawbench 2116 viewsdeep notch for ripping and fretsawing. The hole you see is sized for my holddown and placed so the pad of the holddown rests on the top of the leg. Brentpmed

sawbench_1.JPGSawbench 1111 viewslegs are let into the top and then dowelled. Brentpmed

sawbench.jpgsaw bench / hewing bench / moaning stool29 viewsHalf a basswood log, 4 pieces of ash for legs. The wood was from trees downed by the Great Ice Storm of '98. This does multiple duty in and out of the shop as seating, hewing bench, saw bench, morticing bench, &cetera.dlarue

old_bench.jpgOld bench103 viewsOld bench, became a treadle lathe, now holds lathe chisels and other stuff. Base is an old treadle sewing machine. In front is my sawbench.Bad Andy

IMG_0206.JPGJoinery - Legs148 viewsGlued and wedged with the same Goncalo Alves as the head (same wedge material on my workbench and sawbench too).TRexF16

IMG_0202.JPGJoinery - Head 178 viewsThe plan called for knock-down tusk tennons top and bottom on the arm, which was to allow the horse to be disassembled to move it, but I figured only one end needed that to achieve that effect, so I decided to just drawbore and double-wedge the head to the arm, and only tusk the treadle for knock-down purposes. This joint matches the ones on my sawbench and workbench, which I like, so I kept 'em going.TRexF16

IMG_0155.JPGBoring 2186 viewsEverything was held for boring by clamping it to my sawbench with a holdfast, and a sacrificial pine board was clamped behind the work to prevent blowout on the bottom side.TRexF16

Chest_SawB.jpgTool Chest & Saw Bench745 viewsAn old tool chest I rehabbed, adding NOS handles from Wes Groot's stash, as finishing touch. Wood is chestnut, 19hx21dx43wide.
Also my sawbench, 20 1/2" high, made from cutoffs and scraps.Tom11