Search results - "saws" |

sawscrewbox.jpgDisston saw screws in box39 viewsflea market find

DecAlameda16.jpgAlameda December 201637 viewsFleaBAGs Alameda haul, IOB beader and T&G planes, side rabbet and razee jack planes, clamps, saws, brace etc. nicknaylo

Big_and_little_mitre_boxes.jpgLittle brother and big brother132 viewsA 12 inch Millers Falls mitrebox and a big Stanley mitrebox. Both with Disston saws each with 1896-1917 PHILADA medallions. Both saws came with their respective mitreboxes. Neither have been sharpened but both cut quickly and smoothly. I use both of these a lot. The little Millers Falls is just perfect for moulding and small bits.Sgt42RHR

big_and_little_Disston_mitre_box_saws.jpgDisston Mitrebox saws116 viewsBoth Disstons, both with 1896-1917 PHILADA medallions. One saw has a 16 inch blade and the other a 28 inch blade. Both cut smoothly and have not been sharpened by me. Both saws were present with their respective mitreboxes.Sgt42RHR

big_and_little_Disston_mitre_box_saw_handles.jpgMitre box saw handles98 viewsThe smaller of the two is a Disston 16 inch saw blade with a 1896-1917 PHILADA medallion. The larger of the two is a Disston 28 inch saw blade, also with a 1896-1917 PHILADA medallion. The smaller saw is unmarked while the large saw has owner's initials stamped on the handle and the spine. Both saws came with the mitre boxes.Sgt42RHR

sawsets.jpgSawset collection61 viewsHow did this happen?!

sawset2.jpgold hammer saw set21 viewsold hammer saw setdlarue

silltools.jpgSill install - tools used136 viewsThe different saws, chisels, planes, and whatnot I used on the workmate to prepare the sill in the background for installation.madwing

galootbbq2012_3.jpgaugust 2012 - The tools77 viewsLots of great tools on the workbench. No, really, see there's a compass plane, a couple travishers, yankee brace sporting a Woods hollow auger, freaky German sawset, and some other odds and ends. They're just hard to see behind all the beers...dlarue

saws~0.jpgsaws40 viewsDisston 4 (I'm guessing) 1877-78 medallion, no name 16" panel saw, MF 10C drilldwittner

spearjackson_medallion.jpgmedallion146 viewsThe medallion has the Spear and Jackson logo in the center with "Spear&Jackson Sheffield" with the crown logo at its center. The outer ring of the medallion states "All saws branded Spear&Jackson are fully warranted" Then inside of that: "Spear&Jackson have an experience as saw makers extending over 160 years"Brentpmed

2011-12-04_13-23-56_577.jpgPre Galootaclaus Alameda Flea booty132 viewsPlanes, saws, squares, chisels, clamps wrenches, paper etc. nicknaylo