Search results - "scraper" |

square_new.jpgrehabbed square19 viewssome rosewood glued into the cracks and splits, a machinists scraper to bring everything level, then fine sandpaper and a buffing with some wax.dlarue

IMG_6316.JPGshaping top chair rail - includes shot of profile scraper36 viewsjerkinsj

IMG_20150825_222905.jpgscraper works19 viewsthe scraper works, time to make the handles comfydlarue

IMG-20150514-00378.jpgprofile scrapers24 viewscopies of tools from viking age finds

NewMalletHandle.jpgNew Mallet Handle143 viewsNew handle made from a Japanese Laurel branch from yard trimmings. Shave horse made from (mostly) bigleaf maple, also from my yard. Tools used included draw knife, several spokeshaves, and a scraper.saltchuck

Flea_Haul.JPGFlea Market Haul102 viewsA very successful ad hoc trip. Stearns cabinet scraper, Union hacksaw and two smithing tools lead the parade, along with some nice old automobile wrenches, miscellaneous hammers and other odds and ends.jjl134

StearnsScraper1.JPGStearns Cabinet Scraper92 viewsRetains all original japanning and blade.jjl134

StearnsScraper2.JPGStearns Cabinet Scraper60 viewsObserve the "T" style nuts.jjl134

sept__2011_last_018.JPGWoodworker tool roll270 viewsThis is a World War II bring back. Japanese woodworkers tool roll. 4 spoon bits, chisels, T handle in wood, 4 hammers, one steel punch, blacksmith tongs, flat scraper?, 2 long handled needle tools. 2 tiny triangular needle scrapers? Never been used, only 3 loops unfilled. Any ideas?john krau

small_scratched_trim_1.jpg92 viewsThis is some tiny trim I scratched from poplar. I was going to use this to decorate the joint between the frame and panel of some cabinet doors. I ended up going with a simpler applied cockbead design. I could make that with a block plane and some minor cleanup with a shaped scraper or scratch stock.dhahn

Marsh_Plane_Display.jpg40 viewsMarsh plane display. This is one of every plane that M.C. Marsh made, including a 78 knockoff and an 80 scraper plane knock off.galootgary

IMG_2925.JPGWow -- all these different kinds of scrapers! Will Dad get me one of each?160 viewsCharlie Driggs