Search results - "screw" |

Cabinet_front.jpgCabinet front closed152 viewsThe carcase and frame is all made from a single 40 year old air dried Appalachian black walnut board. The two panels are resawn and book matched from a single off cut of Indiana black walnut saved from the burn pile. The finish is four coals of 1-pound cut amber shellac, well rubbed out with 0000 steel wood after each coat. The whole is finished with a coat of Liberon brown paste wax. The knob is an ebony violin tuning peg. Closure is achieved by a rare earth magnet and a steel screw.Sgt42RHR

IMG_7278.JPGmy shop's traveling pegboard13 viewsThis storage center has been in my shops in three houses, and supports easily several times its own weight. It is suspended from the floor joists above on two aircraft-style multi strand cables, and should one of those slip, the whole board would only drop less than 1/4" inc onto the benchtop below.
Items on this board include braces, drawshave, perfect handle and cabinetmakers screwdrivers, marking gauges, hand drills, gimlets, try squares, steel rules, metal shears, drill & screw sizing gaugesCharlie Driggs

Vise.JPGErie Toolworks Vise22 viewsportable vise with a grommet and wingnut, like a carvers screws nicknaylo

DSC_0800_reduced.jpegStanley No 1 left front view55 viewsLooks pretty good. Still has to be demounted and cleaned up. Stuck iron assembly hold down screw has been freed with a little oil. SomedayForge

sawscrewbox.jpgDisston saw screws in box39 viewsflea market find

01-GroupPicture-1.jpgGroup picture122 viewsLeft to right, top to bottom:
Coulaux coopering plane, ECE block plane, Stanley 220, English Infill Smoother, Record 043 plough plane, P.A. Gladwin & C Dado plane, English Infill Shoulder plane, English turnscrew, Charles Taylor cleaver

Russell_Jennings_Auger_Bits.jpgRussell Jennings Auger Bits65 viewsA set of 6 RJ bits in odd sizes to fill in a set. no's 15, 11, 9, 7, 5, and 4. A welcome addition to my harlequin set. All have great lead screws and spurs. in the background a piece of green leather destined to become auger bit roll and a couple of cool old Bicentenial (1776-1976) decals.Brentpmed

IMG_0715.JPGMoxon vise 42 viewsThis is build to drop into the dog holes along the east edge of the bench. With a 20" opening between the screws and a 6" capacity, it can handle most all drawer boxes I would likely work on as well as any dovetail joints.Charlie Driggs

IMG_6685.JPGdetail of the older leg vise screw mount38 viewsThis may look a bit rough to some, but it is definitely a cleaner installation than the way it was mounted on my grandfather's 80, 90 or more years main bench. This one works quite wel. With two leg vises on the south end mounted 'in plane', it is quite easy to hold short sections (3-5 ft) of lumber for sawing to a line, although the height isn't ideal. Also very useful for holding items when needing to run round tenons with one of the hollow augers.Charlie Driggs

IMG_20160123_134137671.jpgScrewdriver handles 24 viewsnicknaylo

finds.jpgGarage sale finds July 201530 viewsNifty old panel saw, screw/nail wall chart and jig saw blades. nicknaylo
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