Search results - "scythe" |

WeedWackers.JPGWNY 2011 - Weed Wackers64 viewsWestern NY Galootapalooza
Here we are in Gary's back yard after hacking at his carefully cultivated weeds with Esther's scythe. Most of us were penalized for high sticking.dlarue

shop0001.jpgMakin' Hay65 viewswith the Alameda scythe. Little haystack, half the yard done. Tired...nicknaylo

painted_tools.jpgPainted Tools67 viewsQuick, someone call the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Coloring Ayrn)...painted saws AND a Scythe! timpendleton

The_Scythe_Grinder_Francis_W__Edmonds.jpgGrinding the Scythe - Francis W. Edmonds172 viewsFrancis William Edmonds (1806 - 1863) created this painting in 1856. The painting is held by the New York Historical Society, New York, New York.Sgt42RHR

vert.jpgscythe104 viewsScythe after modificationsPhil E.

100_0748june_07_auction,_saws.JPGJune 07 auction results182 viewsSpent a little time and less money at a retired farmers sale. 8 handsaws, mostly disston, 3 meat saws, 6 hacksaws, one new handsaw handle, marked $.75. 2 scythes, actually 3, two cornknives, one drawknife, and felloe drill for wheelmaking. came to .85 cents each.john krau