Search results - "shapleigh" |

flea_finds_6.jpgShapleigh #475 views Not sure who made this for Shapleigh but the casting seems to be heavier than the Stanley equivelant. Nice plane for $13...roy griggs

Shapleigh__meat_saw.jpgShapleigh Meat Saw ?85 viewshacksaw blade temporairlyroy griggs

IMG_1152.JPGThe second trip - 83 cents each172 viewsPrices cut in half at 1300 so I went back for another check. More great finds for less than a buck each. Philadelphia Tool hatchet, Keystone claw hammer, Shapleigh claw hammer, another #16 RJ auger bit, 2 new small ball pein handles, MF #610 ratchet screwdriver, MF #4 12 oz. plumb bob, unmarked plumb bob, 14" perfect handle screwdriver, Starrett #145 hacksaw, outside calipers, combo nipper, #0 craftsman phillips, interesting unmarked saw with a combination square built into the handle.TRexF16