Search results - "shavehorse" |

P1010009~0.JPGTom Dugan on the shave horse83 viewsTom spent a long time on my new shavehorse -- and thankfully it was his blood that christened it as a proper Galoot device rather than mine. Tom's project: create a curved black locust handle for his reworked froe. It came out quite nicely.Charlie Driggs

Windsor1.jpgWindsor chairmaking 1141 viewsGGDay2006 - I spent some time working on a few spindles for a windsor chair - a sackback.
These spindles are Silver Ash which is one of the few Australian native timbers with the appropriate grain for spindles.Peter.Robinson

Windsor2.jpgWindsor chairmaking 2109 viewsGGDay2006 - I spent some time working on a few spindles for a windsor chair - a sackback.
These spindles are Silver Ash which is one of the few Australian native timbers with the appropriate grain for spindles.Peter.Robinson