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WheelerPlane.jpgWheeler plane27 viewsWheeler molding plane. I think someone looked this up for me once and said Wheeler worked in the first quarter of the nineteenth C. The plane works well for something nearly 200 years old.dlarue

2013_2599_Edgerite_Saw_Css.jpgT. Eaton Edgerite panel saw as found193 viewsThe whole thing was schmeered with BLO or something similar for display in the anteek maul. Yuk!Schwartz

made_something_002.JPGbeader fence173 viewsroy griggs

made_something_003.JPGTop beader fence171 viewsroy griggs

made_something_005.JPGBottom Beader Fence152 viewsroy griggs

dechiseltop.jpgWhatsit89 viewsA double-ended chisel-type thingie, no clue what it is. Semi-cranked on both ends. Has concave tips, like they are for smoothing round rods, or something.madwing

Sargent_no_81_1.jpgSargent_no_81_1179 viewsSomething I've been looking for, for awhileroy griggs

advent_frame_dryfit.jpgadvent calendar frame dry fit27 viewsArgh. Don't do half laps with this stuff!
Next time I make something like this it will have dados.dlarue

EdFirthScale.jpgEdward Firth Gouge29 viewshere is my new chisel with something for scale.dlarue

2012-07-28_14-29-27_92.jpgscrub planing into something like flat..ish43 views5.5 plane with deep camber on the blade. Bringing the live oak down to flatnicknaylo

toolgroupmar2012.jpgTool Group Of Canada meeting Mar 201222 viewsI picked up a couple of tools at the meeting, a BASA hammer, which I have added maple inserts to replace the mangled plastic ones, and a Swiss Made chisel (back bent or something weird like that).dlarue

engraved_on_bet_plane.jpg93 viewsEngraved plane - created and engraved on a bet made in an Irish Pub. Man bragged "I can make you the best infill plane" or something like that. This was his first plane he ever made.jerkinsj