Search results - "spindle" |

BB_bodger_setup.JPGdemo area33 viewsOne of the spindle turning demo setups. Two shave horses, a hewing bench, and two lathes.dlarue

BB_spindle_turning.JPGturning28 viewsKathy turning, her first time on a pole lathedlarue

Galootaclaus2016-3.jpgWoodturner's spindle gouge78 viewssaltchuck

lathe_setup.jpgLathe Setup130 viewsI use a live center for turning because there is a lot hanging out of the spindle. The center is removed for shaping the top of the knob. writt

005~1.JPGThe Whole kit and caboodle86 viewsSome may ask about the drop spindle. GC has been watching and knows of my 4 Llamas,6 Icelandic sheep, 4 Angora goats and one ewe cross Suffolk/Dorset/Rambouillet. So my future has a spinning class in it in Jan 08. The files are part of my desire to sharpen my many saws that follow me home. The rest are made out of Galloot saved items. I believe the dove tail gauges are from a drywall square. That GC is very good at making amazing items from materials on hand. Did I mention the box? Hand cut dove tails .KellysW

HlwAuger.jpgHollow augering244 viewsAA Wood hollow auger, used to put round tenons on square spindles for A&C coffee table.Tom11

Windsor1.jpgWindsor chairmaking 1141 viewsGGDay2006 - I spent some time working on a few spindles for a windsor chair - a sackback.
These spindles are Silver Ash which is one of the few Australian native timbers with the appropriate grain for spindles.Peter.Robinson

Windsor2.jpgWindsor chairmaking 2109 viewsGGDay2006 - I spent some time working on a few spindles for a windsor chair - a sackback.
These spindles are Silver Ash which is one of the few Australian native timbers with the appropriate grain for spindles.Peter.Robinson