Search results - "spokeshave" |

TOTT_Mar_2015_1.jpgHaul from Mar 2015 Tools Of The Trade sale27 views3 spools of linen thread, an oval turning skew, a couple of cold chisels, a paor of spokeshaves (Stanley #63 & 64), a boxwood handled Marples sash morticing chisel, a pair of odd flat-nosed piers, a 1mm carving gouge, a very large sawtooth Forstner bit, a center finder, a small sharpening stone, a bottle of Yankee fluted drill points, and a couple of levels.dlarue

NewMalletHandle.jpgNew Mallet Handle143 viewsNew handle made from a Japanese Laurel branch from yard trimmings. Shave horse made from (mostly) bigleaf maple, also from my yard. Tools used included draw knife, several spokeshaves, and a scraper.saltchuck

TOTT_NOV_2013.jpgTools of the Trade sale Nov 201324 viewsa few odds and ends I picked up at the sale.
Oh look, another spokeshave, quelle surprise!
I am so weak.dlarue

20130910_2809ss.jpgElmwood splitting maul ready for duty72 viewsShaped with drawknife, crosscut saw, wide splitting chisel, firmer chisel, spokeshave, chisel hammer & a large rasp.Schwartz

spokeshave.jpgspoke shave23 viewsdwittner

IMG_2065.jpgFleabag Generosity265 viewsWe have a guy locally who teaches handtool woodworking to grade school kids. The school's tools are well past worn, and he put out a plea on Craigslist for "... any of these: clamps of different types (particularly smaller ones), block planes, braces for drilling, hand crank drills, drawknives, files and other shaping tools, and maybe a spokeshave or two. Other tools are always appreciated." The Fleabags responded with this.madwing

image.jpgUnmarked Curved Spokeshave48 viewsjjl134

001.JPGSpokeshave167 viewsChaz

002.JPGSpokeshave167 viewsChaz

003.JPGSpokeshave140 viewsChaz

Indian_rosewood.jpgBrass Hammer and Rosewood165 viewsgotta love a spokeshave 7/8" sq. x 3 1/4" @ 9 1/4 oz. Brass Headroy griggs

Feb_Shaves.JPGtwo new shaves, Feb 5 201124 viewsPicked up a couple of nice little spokeshaves at the Feb 5 Tool Group Of Canada meeting.dlarue