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hammer1.jpgyet another view 87 viewsRegardless of what it says, is it engraved on stamped? Is it a maker's mark or an owner's mark?Sgt42RHR

Hammer3.jpgview of marking on hammer head.75 viewsI see manuscript *antown* as the last letters, I can't quite make out the beginning letters. It almost appears that the lettering is engraved rather than stamped?Sgt42RHR

DSC_0784_reduced.jpgShadow Box II80 views32" wide by 23" tall. A few nice tools. Stanley No 1 bench plane in upper right corner. Blade stamped L. Bailey in half circle - Patented - Dec 24, 1867 (I think 67).

3-32nd_inch_wide_chisel.jpg3-32nd inch wide chisel75 viewsThis is the narrowest chisel I've ever seen, just at 3/32 inch. Only marking is CAST STEEL stamped into the side of the iron near the tang.Sgt42RHR

3.jpgBetter image?113 viewsThis appears to be a better shot of the name stamp.
I have learned that is is H & R BOKERSgt42RHR

2.jpgH & R ROKER name stamp104 viewsI've used these dividers for several years and last night just happened to notice what appeared to be a letter stamp on one of the legs of the divider. After some careful scraping this was revealed H & R ROKER [CAST STEEL?] Does anyone know about this manufacturer?
I have just learned that it is H & R BOKER. Sgt42RHR

4.jpgDividers stamped H & R ROKER(?) CAST STEEL99 viewsThese dividers were in a box of old tools from my Mother's family's farm in Virginia. Among the other tools were late 18th and early 19th century moulding planes marked H.O.A. Henry Osborne Ambrose was one of my Great great grandfathers and was a carpenter (?) in and around Petersburg, VA.Sgt42RHR

big_and_little_Disston_mitre_box_saw_handles.jpgMitre box saw handles98 viewsThe smaller of the two is a Disston 16 inch saw blade with a 1896-1917 PHILADA medallion. The larger of the two is a Disston 28 inch saw blade, also with a 1896-1917 PHILADA medallion. The smaller saw is unmarked while the large saw has owner's initials stamped on the handle and the spine. Both saws came with the mitre boxes.Sgt42RHR

Johnston_wood_stamp.jpgMy maker's mark stamps54 viewsI mark all my finished work and some of my wooden tools with two stamps. First, I use a small stamp with my last name in all 1/16" capitals. Next, my name is surmounted with a First Model Brown Bess musket Storekeeper's mark.Sgt42RHR

20140617_1334c.jpg26in Stridsberg & Biƶrk Trollhattan No.100143 viewsSaw is close to full depth as the heel stamps are complete.
U 7T

BeadOnOutside.jpgBeading19 viewsI put a bead around the outer edge of the frame. This plane is unboxed and unsigned, but appears factory made, including a stamp on the heel that says "1/2"dlarue

Paper_handle_chisel_makerstampdetail.JPG70 viewsPaul