Search results - "stone" |
Soapstone.jpgSoapstone holder14 viewsforged from stainless (it's what they had) about 6 inches long with the scrap of soapstone. nicknaylo
IMG_20150525_170051667.jpgBlack Hard Arkansas Stone33 viewsnicknaylo
IMG_20150525_170027230_HDR.jpgNorton Label on a Black Hard Arkansas Stone 36 viewsnicknaylo
IMG-20150512-00290.jpgold gouges17 viewsflint gouges
note how polished these are, not the rough flaked stone tools you normally seedlarue
TOTT_Mar_2015_1.jpgHaul from Mar 2015 Tools Of The Trade sale27 views3 spools of linen thread, an oval turning skew, a couple of cold chisels, a paor of spokeshaves (Stanley #63 & 64), a boxwood handled Marples sash morticing chisel, a pair of odd flat-nosed piers, a 1mm carving gouge, a very large sawtooth Forstner bit, a center finder, a small sharpening stone, a bottle of Yankee fluted drill points, and a couple of levels.dlarue
TOTT_Oct_2014_stone.jpgcleaned up stone25 viewscleaned up stone from Oct 2014 TOTTdlarue
pinkstone.jpgPink, hard sharpening stone169 viewsI picked this up at an estate sale, with the triangular stones. It's remarkably hard, and polishes very much like a hard arkansas stone. I don't know if it's natural (I've never seen this color before in nature) or man-made, but it puts a nice polished, sharp edge on steel.madwing
slotstones.jpgSlotted, triangular sharpening stones184 viewsI picked these up at an estate sale, along with a Pfeil 1/8e carving chisel. They're triangular in cross section, look like hard arkansas and black hard arkansas stones, and each has a v-shaped groove in one edge. They can be easily removed from this holder, and rotated so their flat edges can be worked.madwing
IMG_3442.jpgThe chisels111 views15 lathe chisels (mostly Buck Bros.), seven crank-necked parers (Buck Bros.), 4 crank-necked gouges (Buck Bros.), a Buck and a Greenlee paring chisel with a Buck gouge between, and three Herring Bros. gouges at the bottom; these were all from a patternmaker's estate. The roll at the top is a set of 17 Beevel (Germany) carving chisels, a leather hammer, and an India stone slip; these came from another seller.madwing
TGOC_Oct2013_1.jpgTool Group Of Canada Meeting Oct 2013 haul21 viewsI picked up a few things.
Stanley jack rabbet, cute little hammer, reprint catalogue, combination stone, shaker pegs, awl, and dowel pointer from the dealer tables. Boxed stone from silent auction and a wrench and coping saw from the live auction.dlarue
2013_2724ss.jpgCoticule125 viewsThe stone was glued into the box but the bottom margins look irregular, not sawn. The stone doesn't seem to absorb water, and produces a mirror finish quite quickly.Schwartz
double_stone.jpgdouble stone25 viewsdwittner