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The_Samples.jpgThe Working Ends120 viewsSix examples made up using the supplier's standard whisk broom and cake tester designs, with corn straw packed per my request. The supplier is wondering whether buyers would want the somewhat decorative wrapping, as losing it might knock of a dollar or two in price. I say keep it, as it is comfortable in use.Charlie Driggs

The_Working_Ends.jpgThe Working Ends112 viewsMuch easier to see the differences in the three corn straw mixes provided for testing in this shot. The most tightly packed and best performing example is third from left. The poorest performing, but still effective example is second from left. The other four showed various degrees of difference between the two, although the two on the right end are made the same way.Charlie Driggs

Post_Test_Wear_Evidence.jpgPost-Test Wear Evidence111 viewsthe thick straw example on the bottom performed the best, and showed a little stain of mahogany dust. The thin straw example also worked, but with more effort and time, and a less uniform result. It was apparent that the test only involved part of the face on both.Charlie Driggs