Search results - "till" |

chair2.jpgpile of turnings28 viewshere is the pile of turnings from the pole lathe. Still need to finish a bunch of them, they are just rough turned at this point.dlarue

DSC_0800_reduced.jpegStanley No 1 left front view55 viewsLooks pretty good. Still has to be demounted and cleaned up. Stuck iron assembly hold down screw has been freed with a little oil. SomedayForge

Pic_9.jpg16 views*Still* won't separate!!Gary K

I_bin_framed_I_tells_ya.jpgframed18 viewsI bin framed, I tells ya!
still have a few grooves to cut, all the rails and stiles have been fit together.dlarue

sillinplace.jpgSill install - in place120 viewsI still had to nail on the bullnose molding to the vertical corners of the window opening and obviously the plasterwork needs to be done. madwing

oliver.jpgOliver No. 2 Mitre Trimmer28 viewsI owned this for a few years, finally sold it to reclaim 16 square feet of shop space. But I miss it still. dlarue

currach2.JPGThe Improbable18 viewsmaiden voyage of Currach Improbable.
Made with a brace & bit and a hatchet.
But you still can't call me a boatbuilder.dlarue

Bent_chair.jpgThonet side chair85 viewsFrom Vienna Applied Arts Museum (Museum fur Angewandte Kunst - MAK). Partly laminated veneers, bent; walnut, veneered: cane
From room brochure, "One of the first pieces of seating furniture which Michael Thonet made by means of bent wood methods. Created whilst he was still in Boppard on the Rhine, it has laminated veneers bent in one direction. It is an attempt to produce a more economical version of the fashionable Biedermeier chair type."jerkinsj

100_4850.JPGAxolite stone22 viewssmall white sharpening stone, quite fine.
still has most of the box, and name on the stone too.dlarue

Tiger_stripe_grain_in_blanket_chest.jpgTiger striipe in walnut223 viewsThis image shows the faint but distinct tiger stripe in the walnut comprising the ends and front of the trunk. It's less obious on the front board, but still there.Sgt42RHR

IMG-20120728-00242.jpgwheelwright camp 228 viewsThe assembled and shaped hubs. They still need the bushings installed (1 1/4 inch black pipe with flanges on each end). Quite a complicated glue-up.dlarue

The_Working_Ends.jpgThe Working Ends112 viewsMuch easier to see the differences in the three corn straw mixes provided for testing in this shot. The most tightly packed and best performing example is third from left. The poorest performing, but still effective example is second from left. The other four showed various degrees of difference between the two, although the two on the right end are made the same way.Charlie Driggs
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