Search results - "tills" |

sawtill_large.JPGLarge saw tills for full size saws and smaller backsaws72 viewstshuck

100_5372.JPGThe saw till67 viewsI made this a few years back, shortly after joining the porch, about the time a lot of us were making saw tills. It's made from softwood boards from the borg, finished with garnet PaddyLac(TM) and was made entirely with hand tools.
Then, of course, I had to fill it! The really fun part!neanderman

Back_to_Back_Sawtills_004.jpgBack to Back Sawtills209 viewsThese are the Sawtills I have built. Each double set holds 34 Handsaws. There are eight sawtills in this picture, four sets bolted back to back, sitting on double 2 x 10's for a shelf with wooden stud brackets underneath. Full article with size drawings can be seen at Click on "In the Shop".

Back_to_Back_Sawtills_001.jpgBack to Back Sawtills309 viewsEach Sawtill holds 17 Handsaws.6BobsToolPics6

Single_Sawtill_004.jpgBack to Back Sawtills153 viewsA single Sawtill can be used if you only have a few saws.6BobsToolPics6

Double_Sawtills_005.jpgBack to Back Sawtills155 viewsTwo sets of Sawtills. Can be mounted individually or back to back.6BobsToolPics6

Tills_ready_to_Attach_006.jpgBack to Back Sawtills148 viewsSawtills ready to be bolted back to back.6BobsToolPics6