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footie_anyone.jpgFootie, anyone?10 viewsL Osbaldiston plane iron, "Hydra" brand, with a leg kicking a football?dlarue

chair2.jpgpile of turnings28 viewshere is the pile of turnings from the pole lathe. Still need to finish a bunch of them, they are just rough turned at this point.dlarue

Cabinet_open_full.jpgcabinet open full155 viewsHere are some of the reasons I built this cabinet which is attached to wall studs just over and to the side of the dresser.

gc2017.jpgGC 2017 Gifts52 viewsA hearty "thank you" to my gifter, Stuart Minuskin. Inside the flat rate box was a Chris Vesper chip-carving knife, a new headlamp, a pocket Stanley Tool reference book, a nicely turned pen, a calendar from Queensland for the shop, and a "The Tool Exchange" t-shirt. Merry Christmas, Stuart!madwing

Galootaclaus2017-1.jpgTools from Galootaclaus72 viewssaltchuck

Auger.jpgAuger3 viewsSwiss auger handle loop with touch markjerkinsj

IMG_7278.JPGmy shop's traveling pegboard13 viewsThis storage center has been in my shops in three houses, and supports easily several times its own weight. It is suspended from the floor joists above on two aircraft-style multi strand cables, and should one of those slip, the whole board would only drop less than 1/4" inc onto the benchtop below.
Items on this board include braces, drawshave, perfect handle and cabinetmakers screwdrivers, marking gauges, hand drills, gimlets, try squares, steel rules, metal shears, drill & screw sizing gaugesCharlie Driggs

IMG_3650.jpgWhen the sixth box delivery of the day was slit open .. 17 views... the contents definitely were not the other item being awaited for the day's shipments. No indeed, a whole cubic foot of mahogany shavings tried to escape onto the family room furniture and carpet, but were quickly forced back inside. A quick check of the shipping label revealed the culprit .. err ... Elf over in Asheville NC had been at work. A little creative stretching of an elfin sack, and six objects nicely wrapped in holiday paper appeared from within the shavings.Charlie Driggs

IMG_3652.jpgThe six objects within the tight wrappings were these .. 70 viewstwo versions of what I expect are hot sauce, and very hot sauce; a small box from Lee Valley and a device within not seen before by this Galoot; three large chunks of dogwood wood (is there a rhyme tied to that somewhere?), Michael Dunbar's Federal Furniture book in hardcover, and one of the Charles Hayward series on period furniture, this volume on the English breeds of the speciesCharlie Driggs

IMG_3654.jpgand in the little Lee Valley box we find ... 70 views.. a circular guillotine-ish device for sharpening pencils ... if you get fed up with the pencil, this could give it a slow return to the Earth from which it sprung, sliver by sliver of cedar shavings. I think I can use this without blood spatters involved.Charlie Driggs

Diderot_folding_chair_plan_drawing_schematic-enlarged.jpgDiderot folding chair schematic drawings87 viewsFrom Diderot's Encyclopedia two images of folding camp chairs. The first appears to have a fabric seat, whereas the second example appears to have a slip seat.Sgt42RHR

more_enlarged_folding_chairs.jpgEnlarged image of 1780 folding camp chair30 viewsWhile it's not clear from the drawing, this appears to be the slip seat model as shown in the second example from Diderot.Sgt42RHR
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