Search results - "toolchest" |

knaack03.JPGKnaack gangbox36 viewsKnaack 89 gangbox as purchased. It served as signage at the yard sale where I bought it.BobL

knaack.jpgKnaack 8928 viewsThis is the Craigslist photo of the 1980's vintage Knaack 89 toolchest I purchased. It is functioning tool storage until I get a shed.BobL

Queen_Mary_toolchest.jpg139 viewsTool chest and papers from carpenter who helped build Queen Mary. Most tools are for display and not from his chest.jerkinsj

Infills_on_wild_toolchest.jpg103 viewscool planes on an amazing marquetry tool chestjerkinsj

image0002.jpgWest wall 150 viewsToolchest, Barnes Velocipede. finished dulcimer on the wall, etc, etc. nicknaylo

Toolbox_and_Toolchest_Open_060408.jpgTool chest open371 viewsjerkinsj

Toolbox___Toolchest.jpgtoolchest188 viewscopy of Duncan Phyfe's
Poplar, mahogany, mahogany veneer, milk paint, shellacjerkinsj

DSCN2781.jpgBraces in the toolchest96 viewsnicknaylo
18th-Century-Saws-(GIC).jpg248 viewsFrom Matthew's toolchestjerkinsj

Gentleman_s-toolchest.jpg222 viewsjerkinsj
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