Search results - "twist" |

Maple4x4s.jpgBigleaf maple 4x4s24 viewsThese maple 4x4s show a bit of bow and twistsaltchuck

IMG_3443.jpgThe rest of the haul165 viewsFrom the estate of a patternmaker. A Type 13 3c, two low angle blocks, a bunch of files, some square shanked twist drills, and other cool stuff.madwing

tott_apr_2013_1.JPGtott apr 201329 viewshaul from apr tools of the trade sale.
8 pieces of 5/16 threaded rod, coping saw, pair of M Crannel ogee planes, 3 hacksaw blades, 3 twist bit augers, a rivet setting tool, leather punch, Stanley 63 round bottom shave, cute little boxwood shave, 3 small stones and a ceramic stone.dlarue

2012_0030cs.jpgBLO or Paraffin Wax?50 viewsBoth screws were turned to 0.60in ( 0.025in undersize), then roundered, resulting in flattened crests on the thread. No.7 , the top screw, was cut after wiping the sized dowel down with BLO. The lower screw No.6 was lightly rubbed with paraffin wax after sizing. I fully expected a failure on this one, as it started badly, breaking out 3 inches of twisty grain, and forcing a restart.Schwartz
IMG_1455_(800x600).jpgcomparison rear view91 viewsPlane came with brown stained hardwood tote and knob secured to the sole with WWII style steel one-piece rods - of course these could be replacements. Frog fits fine but does not seem to be stanley. Has twisted lateral (to form thumb piece) with no markings, not two-piece, and small brass adjuster. TRexF16

GaugeFront.jpgUser made marking gauge149 viewsMade from cherry scraps. The pin is from a broken twist drill, secured with a small brass bolt with nut fixed in recess. Wear strip is from trashed zig-zag rule. Knob has a 1/4" brass bolt shaft.Tom11

Contents_-_MF_No__13_Breast_Drill.JPG271 viewsVery interesting in that the chuck is for the square tapered auger bit shanks, not rpound twist drills like all my other breast drills are.TRexF16

Snake_stick_2.jpgRattlesnake stick81 viewsThis is a steam twisted grapevine wrapped around a cedar stickSam Peterson

twisting_grape_vine_1.jpgHow to twist grapevine90 viewsAfter steaming for an hour, I twist the grapevine around a metal rod and tie it off for a couple of days.Sam Peterson

southington_square2.jpgThe connecting ends of the southington square. There is a screw on the other side that twists to lock the 2 pieces together.79 viewsjem1098

stringwinding92.jpgstring winding machine75 viewsbeginning the twisting processcitternmaker