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IMG_7278.JPGmy shop's traveling pegboard13 viewsThis storage center has been in my shops in three houses, and supports easily several times its own weight. It is suspended from the floor joists above on two aircraft-style multi strand cables, and should one of those slip, the whole board would only drop less than 1/4" inc onto the benchtop below.
Items on this board include braces, drawshave, perfect handle and cabinetmakers screwdrivers, marking gauges, hand drills, gimlets, try squares, steel rules, metal shears, drill & screw sizing gaugesCharlie Driggs

galootmas2.jpgDelights from Walter30 viewsCandle holders he made himself, and a similarly sourced chisel holder, Witherby chisel and a drawknife both sturdy and ready for the home. Sweetly shaped mallet, curvy wrench (I'd not seen one of these before) and an oil can for obvious uses.curt seeliger

Cornice_moulding_right_side.jpgCornice moulding detail right column103 viewsThe glaze which I applied and then removed between the 5th and 6th coats of one-pound cut shellac really causes the changes in the shape of the moulding to be much more noticeable.Sgt42RHR

Cabinet_Detail.jpgLate 16th Century Cabinet detail80 viewsFrom Vienna Applied Arts Musesum (Museum fur Angewandte Kunst - MAK). jerkinsj

2012-01-14_16-56-37_513_crop_adj.jpgPrimed bird and bat houses35 viewsMy son built the bird and bat houses while working on his Webelos (Cub Scout) Craftsman activity badge. His block plane, model plane, clamps and eggbeater drill were used in making the houses. :)
I built 6 birdhouse and 5 bathouse kits for the Webelos. The Den meeting at which the houses were assembled featured a short show-and-tell session with a bunch of Galoot tools. :)timpendleton

dscn1093_crop_scale.jpgPainted bird and bat houses34 viewsCompleted bird and bat houses. My son built the houses as party of the the requirements for the Webelos (Cub Scout) Craftsman Activity Badge. My wife and son painted the houses. timpendleton

IMG_9571_gic.jpgside view of ramp47 viewsAnother view of the ramp. My son actually props one end up and uses this as a "bridge" with his toy animals more than he uses it for cars.dhahn

Mystery_Shave_1.JPGSpokeshave Comparison309 viewsHere's the shave compared to a type 1 151. The Mystery shave uses a tensioning screw in the top of the cap iron (which was missing), just like a #51 and a #151, but none of the 51 or 151 set screws I have fit - too big. A 6-32 tap will turn about 3 turns until it gets finger-tight, so it's close to that. 6-40 is too fine and barely turns in at all. The cap iron looks identical to a 51 or 151, however.TRexF16

IMGP0134.JPGSaw Vise 3172 viewsAn old saw vise I picked up a while back for pocket change. It uses a couple of coach bolts to tighten the hinged arms. There are brass plates bedded where the wing nuts tighten, negating the need for washers.Peter.Robinson

IMGP0135.JPGSaw Vise 2154 viewsAn old saw vise I picked up a while back for pocket change. It uses a couple of coach bolts to tighten the hinged arms. There are brass plates bedded where the wing nuts tighten, negating the need for washers.Peter.Robinson

IMGP0136.JPGSaw Vise 1204 viewsAn old saw vise I picked up a while back for pocket change. It uses a couple of coach bolts to tighten the hinged arms. There are brass plates bedded where the wing nuts tighten, negating the need for washers. It's very nicely made and looks manufactured but I haven't located any markings.Peter.Robinson

spatula.JPGspatula105 viewsHere's another of Dave Fleming's quick projects that he uses to entertain the Masses and pay for his booth at shows. It's a spatula made from cherry. Once the handle is completed, he takes it to she shaving horse and thins down the blade. It took him like 6 minutes to make this. Mine took half an hour, and looks like a laundry paddle :^(dlarue
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