Search results - "wagon" |

new_shop_lighting.jpgnew shop lighting45 views1950s wagon wheel light moved from the kitchen to over my bench. Sorry for the quality--the lighting is very poor down cellar.bwelch

045.JPGcutting the wagon wheel for the froe from behind109 viewsPeter k Wood

044.JPGcutting the wagon wheel for the froe179 viewsPeter k Wood

Tongue_Vise_-_Clamp_Opening.JPGWagon Tongue Vise - Clamp Opening - Vertical58 viewsOldSneelock

Tongue_Vise_-_Jaw_width.JPGWagon Tongue Vise - Jaw Width51 viewsThe vise has 4" jaws which would classify it as a small post type vise.OldSneelock

Tongue_Vise_-_Right_side.JPGWagon Tongue Vise - Right Side149 viewsOldSneelock

Tongue_Vise_-_Clamp_Opening_-_Horizontal.JPGWagon Tongue Vise - Clamp Opening69 viewsIf this is designed to clamp on a wagon tongue it must be a fairly narrow cross section. At it's widest it is 3 3/4" but since the corner is intersected by the lower clamping bar the most it could be is 2 1/2" x 3 3/4"OldSneelock

Tonge_Vise_-_Left_side.JPGWagon Tongue Vise - Left Side88 viewsWhen I bought my 1946 Ford Truck I was telling the owner about my amateur blacksmithing. He pulled this vise off of a shelf and gave it to me because he said he would never use it.OldSneelock