Search results - "wall" |

Cabinet_open_full.jpgcabinet open full155 viewsHere are some of the reasons I built this cabinet which is attached to wall studs just over and to the side of the dresser.

finds.jpgGarage sale finds July 201530 viewsNifty old panel saw, screw/nail wall chart and jig saw blades. nicknaylo

walls.jpg237 viewsthe bents are up. In this photo, the north plate hasn't been raised. This is shown in a later photo.zdillinger

Peter_Wallbrecher_1926_advertisement.jpgPeter Wallbrecher advertisement65 viewsProvided by the German Tool Museum at Remscheid.Schwartz

Custom-made_handles_-_Thank_you_John.jpgIce box closed194 views13 x 20 x 17, 1/2" basswood walls, 3/4" basswood top and bottom. Three coats of milk paint and three coats of thinned alkyd satin varnish.Sgt42RHR

ice_box_closed.jpgIce box closed227 views13 x 20 x 17, 1/2" basswood walls, 3/4" basswood top and bottom. Three coats of milk paint and three coats of thinned alkyd satin varnish.Sgt42RHR

Ax_Wall.jpg98 viewsWall of ax heads from 150,000 BC to present. Includes ax head similar to that found with Otsi (Iceman). Only other example known.jerkinsj

New_Addition_to_the_Tool_Wall.JPGNew rack for marking gauges182 viewsLower Left. I used wormy chestnut finished with garnet shellac. I used the 250 year old plane on the top to cut the beading.Sgt42RHR

wall-o-tools~0.jpgLooking down the bench66 viewsjimob

wallowood.jpgLumber Rack61 viewsjimob