Search results - "watch" |

shop_decor_1.jpgshop guardians26 viewsJake & Elwood keeping watch over my bench plane rack. My planes are in good hands.dlarue

grinder_6.jpgWatch Makers Hammer?238 viewsNot an old tool other than design...France on the handle H. R. stamped on one side of the head...roy griggs

P9120143b.jpgAnother closeup146 viewsBIG teeth. And notice that they vary in size. The eldest of the sawyers was sharpening these saws on site. I didn't think to watch him more closely while doing that. SomedayForge

100_7352.JPGthreading gizmo64 viewsPer WWS episode 2406, more or less. I should have watched the show again, or at least took notes the other night. Oh well, it works anyways.dlarue

005~1.JPGThe Whole kit and caboodle86 viewsSome may ask about the drop spindle. GC has been watching and knows of my 4 Llamas,6 Icelandic sheep, 4 Angora goats and one ewe cross Suffolk/Dorset/Rambouillet. So my future has a spinning class in it in Jan 08. The files are part of my desire to sharpen my many saws that follow me home. The rest are made out of Galloot saved items. I believe the dove tail gauges are from a drywall square. That GC is very good at making amazing items from materials on hand. Did I mention the box? Hand cut dove tails .KellysW

PICT0374.JPGSan Francisco Plane79 viewsan unofficial Galootaclaus from my brother who was saying thanks for watching the kids and driving them to the airport at 3:30 in the morning for their vacation to San Fran.Ken Cutting

GaryCaron-BrettonWade-TomDugan-CharlieRodgers-07.JPGGary Caron, Bretton Wade, Tom Dugan, Charlie Rodgers176 viewsThe other side of Bretton's shop watching Dave Lucier and the 55daveldr

DaveLucier-Stevereynolds-TomPrice-BrettonWade55-07.JPGDave Lucier using 55, Steve Reynolds, Tom Price, Bretton Wade watching192 viewsdaveldr

100_0763flywheels2.JPGflywheels, watchmakers lathe128 viewsMore auction finds. Foot powered flywheels. Wheels approx. 18 inches dia. All cast iron and heavy. One in rear is powered by a foot pedal and crank. the right one has an actual stirrup, and the left one has a roller that pushes a cam. It weighs at least 75 lbs. The Chicago Watch Tool Co. embossed on legs. Used to power the watchmakers lathe.john krau

100_0733screwdrivers.JPGscrew drivers and turn screws108 viewsSome of the tiny watchmaker? screwdrivers I've collected are on a huge, 19 inch black turnscrew. An excellent PH screwdriver, and a mint turnscrew with stamped handle, hammer forged????? Phila. john krau

100_0610watch2.JPGWatch repair tools194 viewsTools from a friends auction, he attended watch repair school in 1929.john krau