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Date added=Jan 30, 2012 2012-01-14_16-56-37_513_crop_adj.jpg](../../../../../../components/cpgalbums/userpics/10240/thumb_2012-01-14_16-56-37_513_crop_adj.jpg)
2012-01-14_16-56-37_513_crop_adj.jpgPrimed bird and bat houses35 viewsMy son built the bird and bat houses while working on his Webelos (Cub Scout) Craftsman activity badge. His block plane, model plane, clamps and eggbeater drill were used in making the houses. :)
I built 6 birdhouse and 5 bathouse kits for the Webelos. The Den meeting at which the houses were assembled featured a short show-and-tell session with a bunch of Galoot tools. :)timpendleton