Search results - "wet" |

GalootBBQ2013_4.JPG2013 Galoot BBQ Spoons41 viewsThey will all hold soup, and you can stir the pot without getting your fingers wet, so they are spoons.dlarue

2013_2713ss.jpgT. Eaton Edgerite panel saw165 viewsAfter stripping dried oil, removing rust and wet-rubbing with 600x SiC paper with a rubber sanding block. Schwartz

2013_2725css.jpgWetzler & Cincinatti Tool Co (Hargrave)95 viewsSchwartz

Oakville-20120929-00383.jpgSept 2012 garage sale clamps31 viewsWetzler Clamp Co
Long Island City
2 dollars apiece :^)dlarue

HOA___WET_molding_planes_from_Henry_Ambrose.JPGMolding Planes from the Ambrose-Brown farm130 viewsThe molding plane on the top with W.E.T. i)nitials carved does not have a readable maker's mark. The bottom beading plane with HOA initials carved carries the makers mark of John Cogdell (London 1750-1765), and belonged to Henry Osborne Ambrose my GGGrandfather (1799 - 1875), a carpenter who lived in Petersburg, VA and Sussex County, Virginia. I was able to sharpen blades on both planes and they work perfectly!Sgt42RHR

Workshop_-__wet_grinder_and_stuff.JPGWorkshop - Wet grinder121 viewsI've only used this a couple times, but it's there when I need it.OldSneelock

IMG_1318.JPG9-1) Almost done116 viewsAfter the glue set, I planed everything square and flush and then wet sanded it with BLO/turps to push the "mud" created by the sanding dust and BLO mix into all the gaps, to clean up the mistakes.TRexF16

DSC02388.JPG340 viewsThe effect of wet wood shrinkage on the fit of a once-tight ferrule.Chuck Myers

DSC02354.JPG473 views4-in-1 screwdriver from Rockler kit, flanked by hardware store cousins. Ivory wood handle from what turned out to be a wet blank.Chuck Myers