Search results - "whatsit" |

Whatsit~0.JPGWhatsit from Menlo Park29 viewsabout 12 inches long, steel. Hand forged, very good welds. Marked J.H. Neff.nicknaylo

IMG_20150802_134429476.jpgWhatsit??26 viewsOn the curb while picking up the teen, probably good steel, roof jacks? nicknaylo

side1_view.jpgSide 1 view18 viewsSide 1 shows the Whatsit in full view. There are metal posts on each side near the ends. The posts are smooth on their upper half and have symmetrical sets of rings and grooves on the bottom half. Also shown are two threaded thumb screws that are threaded into a stout double bevel blade, the back of which is seen in this view. Also seen is part of a sheet metal and nail repair to the wood around the left hand thumb screw.Sgt42RHR

finds.jpgGarage Sale finds, 10/1499 viewsfrom top to bottom:
* looks like a pair of tin snips, or side cutters for sheet metal, or ? a definite whatsit.
* a 3/8" drive thorsen ratchet handle
* a russell green river works sharpening steel destined to be a center punch, and
* a "Germany US Zone" ratcheting screwdriver with a solid blade.madwing

2012_9086x8929ssc.jpgA whatsit clamp57 viewsSchwartz

dechiselside.jpgWhatsit95 viewsA double-ended chisel-type thingie, no clue what it is. Semi-cranked on both ends.madwing

dechiseltop.jpgWhatsit89 viewsA double-ended chisel-type thingie, no clue what it is. Semi-cranked on both ends. Has concave tips, like they are for smoothing round rods, or something.madwing

crankedtop.jpgWhatsit76 viewsLooks like a cranked chisel, but no sharp edges. Has a gnurled handle, and a half-circle-shaped U on the entire short end.madwing

crankedupside.jpgWhatsit79 viewsOdd tool, cranked, with a u-shaped channel on the short arm.madwing

crankedend.jpgWhatsit78 viewsOdd tool - a handle of some sort? From the end.madwing

cutters.jpgWhatsit73 viewsCutter things - look like plug cutters, but don't really know.madwing

cutterthreads.jpgWhatsit73 viewsThe threads inside these cutter things. Not sure why they'd be threaded, not sure what they are.madwing