Search results - "windsor" |

IMG_2912.JPGBill shows four examples of youth Windsors he has made after Ed's show of the chairs he's made, and comparison of those to a Thos. Moser adaptation.130 viewsCharlie Driggs

IMG_2913.JPGThe festivities got fully underway with a discussion of Bill Ghio's habit of making a youth's Windsor for each new grandchild ..134 viewsCharlie Driggs

IMG_2914.JPGThe Windsor Chairmaking discussion begins125 viewsEd Minch moves across the backsaw rack .. I counted 99 saws, including a dozen or so that were awaiting refurbishment. And here we thought Tom Price had a saw problem!! Ed's magnetic anomaly may well win in a magneto-gravitational pull contest between those two.Charlie Driggs

windsorchairs4.JPGSet of 4 Bow-Backed Windsor Chairs105 viewsFrom my m-i-l. They're now doing duty at our dining room table.madwing

windsorchair1.JPGBow-backed Windsor Chair157 viewsOne of the four...English Oak, I believe.madwing

100_3198.jpg130 viewsWindsor seat in the vice - works just as intendedRuby

galootaclaus08.JPGGalootaclaus was here: 12/26/08161 viewsblock of ebony and a cutter from Kansas City Windsor Tool Works (to make a spokeshave), a hand-turned bowl, and a Stanley #53 spokeshave. (from Josh Clark, Oxford, Ct.) Thanks, Josh! bpassaro

shaping_the_neck.jpgShaping the neck276 viewsThe spokeshave is one I made with a blade from Kansas City Windsor Tool Works. bwelch
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