Search results - "yankee" |

TOTT_Mar_2015_1.jpgHaul from Mar 2015 Tools Of The Trade sale27 views3 spools of linen thread, an oval turning skew, a couple of cold chisels, a paor of spokeshaves (Stanley #63 & 64), a boxwood handled Marples sash morticing chisel, a pair of odd flat-nosed piers, a 1mm carving gouge, a very large sawtooth Forstner bit, a center finder, a small sharpening stone, a bottle of Yankee fluted drill points, and a couple of levels.dlarue

2013_2672ss.jpgScrewdriver-tipped remnant of side handle bolt112 viewsNorth Bros. YANKEE 1555A breast drill side handle boltSchwartz

2013_2664ss.jpgYANKEE in pieces, partially cleaned119 viewsSchwartz

2013_2606_YANKEE_Breast_Drill1555Ass.jpgYANKEE 1555A Breast Drill131 viewsSchwartz

20130117_YankeeNo_1555A.jpgYankee 1555A Breast Drill100 viewsPriced optimistically, sold much more reasonably.Schwartz

galootbbq2012_3.jpgaugust 2012 - The tools77 viewsLots of great tools on the workbench. No, really, see there's a compass plane, a couple travishers, yankee brace sporting a Woods hollow auger, freaky German sawset, and some other odds and ends. They're just hard to see behind all the beers...dlarue

jkl1.JPGjkl142 viewsJ: Stanley 130A Yankee driver. Plastic handle that's not really brown, red or purple, but does have a slight texture for a manly feel. $7
K:Stanley 130A Yankee driver. Plastic handle that's not really brown, red or purple, but does have a smooth surface for a sexy feel. $5
L: Wards Master Quality (with a name like that it has to be good) push drill. $3curt seeliger

np1.JPGnp130 viewsN: A H Reid Phila PA wood handled push driver with one bit that looks replaceable if you have the patience. Shaft seems to need straightening near the bit end. $3
P: Yankee 131A in well used shape. $5
curt seeliger

np2.JPGnp227 viewsN: A H Reid Phila PA wood handled push driver with one bit that looks replaceable if you have the patience. Shaft seems to need straightening near the bit end. $3
P: Yankee 131A in well used shape. $5
curt seeliger

tu2.JPGTU241 viewsKa Bar folding lockblade knife. 5 3/4 inches closed, 4 1/2 inch blade, wooden handle. Gratuitous rust spots here and there. $5
Yankee 130A body, in good shape because it's useless without the drive shaft and bit holder. Also a Yankee 20-1 driver with bit that slips on drive and catches on reverse. This one might work with some futzing. $2curt seeliger

w1.JPGW34 viewsCollection of small, plastic handled drivers. These work, but are ugly. Two Yankee Handyman No 233H and a nameless drill with no bits. $1curt seeliger

130A_yankee.jpgYankee Screwdriver33 viewsNorth Bros. 130A in box with bits (plus 3 extra)dwittner