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KY_PH_3.jpgKY_PH_348 viewsPleasant Hill Shaker Village dye houseBret Rochotte

11_IMG_0014s.jpg108 viewsNailing into the dovetail tends to spread the dovetail, strengthening the joint. Nailing into the pins could result in splits to the mahogany side.Schwartz

small_scratched_trim_2.jpg84 viewsAnother view of this small scratched trim showing some scale. The graduations on teh left side of the ruler are 1/16 inch.dhahn

TSchaplin3.jpgChaplin's Patent sole162 views I think these corrugations are cast into the sole. writt

DSCN2874.jpgAlameda Haul, August '0893 viewschisels and gouges, proportional dividers etc. nicknaylo

DSC_0035.JPGGalootaclaus 200856 viewsWell, there's nothing else for it, I'm on to saw sharpening now thanks to Galootaclaus elf Erik from Baldwinsville NY - Disston 7, Clamp, saw set, files, file handle, jigs, and instructions - yippee!! Thanks Galootaclaus!!milliken
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footie_anyone.jpgFootie, anyone?10 viewsL Osbaldiston plane iron, "Hydra" brand, with a leg kicking a football?dlarueApr 10, 2018

joinery_small.jpgjoinery28 viewsyou can see the peg through the M&T jointdlarueFeb 13, 2018

chair1.jpgfinials, finally28 viewsMy dubious attempt at the finials.
I may re-turn these before final assembly.
dlarueFeb 11, 2018

chair2.jpgpile of turnings28 viewshere is the pile of turnings from the pole lathe. Still need to finish a bunch of them, they are just rough turned at this point.dlarueFeb 11, 2018

2018_01_24_3109_GClausS.jpgGalootaclaus 2017 overview81 viewsSchwartzJan 28, 2018

2018_01_27_3110_GClausSS.jpgGalootaclaus 2017 detail79 viewsrabbet plane ( rebate Jeff ) awaiting 1st assignmentSchwartzJan 28, 2018

Cabinet_front.jpgCabinet front closed152 viewsThe carcase and frame is all made from a single 40 year old air dried Appalachian black walnut board. The two panels are resawn and book matched from a single off cut of Indiana black walnut saved from the burn pile. The finish is four coals of 1-pound cut amber shellac, well rubbed out with 0000 steel wood after each coat. The whole is finished with a coat of Liberon brown paste wax. The knob is an ebony violin tuning peg. Closure is achieved by a rare earth magnet and a steel screw.Sgt42RHRJan 08, 2018

cabinet_open_empty.jpgCabinet open and empty132 viewsThis is the inside showing the poplar back and the reverse of the book matched front panels. The hangers are 1 1/2 inch Tremont cut finishing nails set in pre-drilled holes with a dab of CA glue.Sgt42RHRJan 08, 2018