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3Top_Half.JPG58 viewsjimob

4Top_Left~0.JPG79 viewsjimob

Work_in_Progress.JPG80 viewsjimob

Living_Room_2.JPG117 viewsjimob

0_Knocked_Down.JPG93 viewsjimob

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YP_Armoire_1.JPG91 viewsjimob

hb_dovetails_2~0.jpgEnd Dovetails61 viewsThe ends were dovetailed into the bottomjimob
Last additions - jimob's Gallery |

centerdrawer_1.jpgCenter Drawer62 viewsThe pull rings are harness rings held in with cotter pins. Tansu on the cheap. jimobApr 13, 2011

hb_dovetails_2~0.jpgEnd Dovetails61 viewsThe ends were dovetailed into the bottomjimobApr 13, 2011

Nick_s_Toolbox.jpgNick's Toolbox71 viewsI made this for my godson Nicholas back in 2001jimobApr 13, 2011

wall-o-tools~0.jpgLooking down the bench66 viewsjimobApr 13, 2011

wallowood.jpgLumber Rack61 viewsjimobApr 13, 2011

jimandtools.jpgMe in the shop69 viewsA man and his tools... it's a beautiful thing
photo courtesy of Bernie O'BrienjimobApr 13, 2011

tools_all_nl.jpgAmbient Light in the Shop78 viewsjimobApr 13, 2011

Living_Room_2.JPG117 viewsjimobJul 02, 2007