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WB__71_Drawer_cabinet_over_right_of_tray.JPG56 viewsmartyr54

walnut___BLO.JPGwalnut and BLO64 viewsmartyr54

MVC-005F.JPGRaw outside of chest119 viewsmartyr54

WB_1-legs_oak.JPGDovetail vise bench130 viewsVise is 18" between screws & can go up to 45" tall,works for sharpening saws to.martyr54
Last additions - martyr54's Gallery |

rock_maple_bench_tops_001.jpgmaple tops gloat67 viewsHEAVY!martyr54Nov 03, 2011

rock_maple_bench_tops_002.jpgmaple tops gloat41 views picks of maple tops 30 x 72 x3martyr54Nov 03, 2011

rock_maple_bench_tops_003.jpgbench tops gloat36 viewsmartyr54Nov 03, 2011

Semi-Moxon_vise_on_old_beauty_parlor_chair_base,18_inches_between_screws_and_will_go_from_36_to_45_inches_high_.JPGSemi-Moxon51 viewsmartyr54Sep 19, 2011

WB_1-legs_oak.JPGDovetail vise bench130 viewsVise is 18" between screws & can go up to 45" tall,works for sharpening saws to.martyr54Jul 17, 2008

BW_62_Both_vises_on.JPGbench with both vises & front leg mortise/dovetail98 viewsmartyr54Jun 25, 2008

WB_59_7_tail_vise___tool_tray.JPGtail vise & tool tray72 viewsmartyr54Jun 25, 2008

WB_70_Drawer_cabinet_over_left_of_tray.JPGsliding drawer cabinet69 viewsmartyr54Jun 25, 2008