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whazzit_side.jpgWhazzit side26 viewsChisel-like thing, tapers over its length from 1/4" at the top of the chisel bevel to 1/8" at the end. dwittner

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Last additions - dwittner's Gallery |

IMG_1498.JPGsaw filer 259 viewsdwittnerJun 02, 2014

IMG_1497.JPGsaw filer27 viewsdwittnerJun 02, 2014

IMG_1504.JPGcarbide jig46 viewsdwittnerJun 02, 2014

IMG_1507.JPGblade mount29 viewsdwittnerJun 02, 2014

IMG_1510.JPGindexing bar29 viewsdwittnerJun 02, 2014

IMG_1509.JPGmystery bit27 viewsdwittnerJun 02, 2014

smith_and_son_drawknife.jpgSmith and son drawknife51 viewsdwittnerJun 17, 2013

swann_drawknife.jpgJames Swann drawknife46 viewsdwittnerJun 17, 2013