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cherryjointer.jpgcherry jointer44 views30 inch jointer made with junker Stanley hardware plus a threaded insert. Dead Easy.dlarue

cherryspoon.jpgcherry spoon 22 viewsroughed out with a drawknife, finished with a Mora and a Pinewood Forge hook knife.
Will let it dry a bit before putting the finishing touches on it.dlarue

spoon2.jpgchilli spoon 26 viewsI hacked this out with a hatchet, sheath knife, and crook knife at our winter Scout camp. We used it to stir and serve the chilli.dlarue

spoon1.jpgchilli spoon again22 viewsanother shot of the spoon I carved (or ladle!)dlarue

IMG_20170225_223903.jpgchoking up36 viewsupper grip area, choking up on the tool for detail workdlarue

TOTT_Oct_2014_stone.jpgcleaned up stone25 viewscleaned up stone from Oct 2014 TOTTdlarue

100_3853.JPGcoping saw274 viewsCherry bowsaw I made for my son. It uses standard coping saw blades.dlarue

cornice.JPGcornice molding41 viewsThis is the cornice or crown molding I made using some hollows and rounds.dlarue

crosby_flea_2015.jpgcrosby flea 201518 viewssome junk I picked up the way to the flea marketdlarue

100_5350.JPGcurly maple shaker boxes102 viewsThese are for a local charity auction. I had some trouble with the bands due to a bit of figure in the veneer, but only had one actual failure. Finished with tung oil and shellac.dlarue

DadsBox.JPGDad's Box30 viewsMy Mom ordered two boxes, one for her, one for him. This is my Dad's box, made of curly maple, finished with BLO & Lemon Shellac.dlarue

100_7359.JPGdamascus blade30 viewsEbay purchase of a Damascus steel knife blank, from India.dlarue
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