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sawset2.jpgold hammer saw set21 viewsold hammer saw setdlarue

sawbench.jpgsaw bench / hewing bench / moaning stool29 viewsHalf a basswood log, 4 pieces of ash for legs. The wood was from trees downed by the Great Ice Storm of '98. This does multiple duty in and out of the shop as seating, hewing bench, saw bench, morticing bench, &cetera.dlarue

ruler.jpgGarrick advertising rule 21 viewsJames Garrick ruledlarue

RoughInRebate.jpgRoughing in the profile25 viewsStanley rebate plane used to rough in the molding profile. This knocks out a large part of the waste very quickly, and is a lot easier to sharpen than the molding plane.dlarue

RoughInProfile.jpgRoughing in the profile 223 viewsBlock plane to knock off a bit more waste before starting in with the molding plane.dlarue

ropemaker.jpgropemaker20 viewsit's a user not a collectable, obviouslydlarue

Rebate.JPGrebate37 viewscutting rebate in frame stock using a Stanley #78dlarue

practical.jpgpractical woodworker vols 1,3,418 viewsBernard Jones Practical Woodworker
picked these up at the tool group of canada auctiondlarue

polelathes.JPGPole Lathes & Shaving Horses124 viewsHere's some of the setup at the gathering. Lots of lathes and lots of fun!dlarue

pd_saw.JPGPocket Dovetailer Saw33 viewsHere's the saw of my Vintage Pocket Dovetailerdlarue

pd_pins.JPGscribing the pins37 viewsUsing the scribe from the Classic Pocket Dovetailer to mark out the pinsdlarue

pd_layout.JPGscribe from Pocket Dovetailer28 viewsscribing the base lines for through dovetails using a vintage Pocket Dovetailer, not one of those Johhny-come-lately knockoffs from a certain notable handtool maker/retailer.dlarue
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