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pd_gouge.JPGNot just dovetails!29 viewsHey, LV's version of the Pocket Dovetailer doesn't have one of these! Now I can make a spoon to eat my oatmeal with...dlarue

pd_dovetails.JPGdovetails26 viewsthe finished joint, HEY it WORKS!dlarue

pd_chisel.JPGtails first24 viewschiseling out the waste with the REAL pocket dovetailerdlarue

patent_nuts.jpgpatent saw rivets / nuts25 viewsNo slots on either side. These appear to be rivets of some sort.
No patent date or number, just the work "patent".

panelraiser3~0.jpgPanel Raiser 329 viewsdlarue

panelraiser2.jpgpanel raiser 217 viewsfirst try pushing my plane shaped object across a piece of wooddlarue

panelraiser.jpgpanel raiser 122 viewshere's what I have so far...dlarue

oliver.jpgOliver No. 2 Mitre Trimmer28 viewsI owned this for a few years, finally sold it to reclaim 16 square feet of shop space. But I miss it still. dlarue

old_saw.jpgold saw23 viewsold saw with patented nuts, nib too-flat handle.dlarue

ogee_bracket_foot.JPGogee bracket foot40 viewsBracket foot base made using #20 hollow and round planes.
Cut out using a fret saw.dlarue

Oakville-20121012-00403.jpgestate sale oct 201249 viewsone of the few real estate sales I have seen in our area. Managed to get in grab some juk and get out in time to pack for camping trip..dlarue

Oakville-20120930-00391.jpgTools of the Trade Sept 201231 viewsmy haul from the tool showdlarue
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