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Bead2.JPGbead 227 viewscutting second beaddlarue

BeadOnOutside.jpgBeading19 viewsI put a bead around the outer edge of the frame. This plane is unboxed and unsigned, but appears factory made, including a stamp on the heel that says "1/2"dlarue

birchbox1.jpgBrich Bark Box90 viewsAfter making some traditional shaker boxes, I ran out of thin wood, and tried using some birch bark. It worked quite well. dlarue

blacksmithbook.jpg2013 early birthday gift175 viewsMy mom gave me this for my birthday. Cool!dlarue

blacksmithhammer.jpgnew blacksmith hammer42 viewsmy nephew gave me this for Xmas 2012. It ain't old but it sure ain't bad!dlarue

Blodger.JPGHigh-Style Blodger95 viewsironwood (hop hornbeam) mauldlarue

bucketfull_jpg.JPGbucket23 viewsit works!dlarue

bungeelathe.jpgbungee lathe37 viewsindoor pole lathe setup using bungee corddlarue

Burnishing.jpgBurnishing30 viewsBurnishing the finished molding with a handful of shavings.dlarue

ButternutFrames.jpgButternut Picture Frames17 viewsA very last-minute Xmas gift for a niece.dlarue

candlebox.jpgcandle box April 201321 viewsmade from maple, finished with orange shellac
The wood is from a tree that grew in front of Walton United Church. The tree was killed by a lightning strike a few years ago, and I acquired some wood when the tree was taken down. Counted 130 rings on the stump.dlarue

candlestick.JPGcandlestick92 viewsDave Fleming made this on his pole lathe in only a few minutes using a screw chuck. dlarue
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