G&G Bolton Highback Chair |
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back.jpg68 viewsCloseup of the chair back, showing the back slat housings and cross brace.rbrendler

front.jpg53 viewsCloseup of the chair front, showing the ebony pegs and seat molding. Seat is a full 1" thick, rabbeted to fit the rails and resting on supports screwed to the rails.rbrendler

finished_pair.jpg76 viewsThe completed pair, after final finish and shellac. I've got about 30 hours into each chair, which is less than I would've thought.rbrendler

finished1.jpg62 viewsThe final product, in a posed shot.rbrendler

chairback.jpg98 viewsThe completed back. I had to finish it before assembly because of the different woods. The oak has a faux-fumed finish, while the figured maple is just natural danish oil. (Apologies for poor quality-- camera phone shot)rbrendler

topebony.jpg68 viewsHere is the finished top, complete with ebony plugs (shot with camera phone-- sorry for poor quality)rbrendler

crossbar.jpg222 viewsCloseup of the stretcher, showing the crossbar joint. It's a through tenon in an angled mortise, and will eventually be pinned. The other side of the joint is housed.rbrendler

frontleg.jpg234 viewsCloseup of the front leg, showing the peg holes and relief molding.rbrendler

onedown.jpg179 viewsThis one is basically done. All that's left is to make the seat and drill the holes for the drawbored pegs that the pretty ebony pegs hide.rbrendler

toppegs.jpg150 viewsCloseup of the peg holes for the top of the chair back. rbrendler

artshot.jpgArt shot133 viewsObligatory art shot of the half-finished chair in the waning light of evening. Too bad it's so blurry...rbrendler

halfdone.jpgAbout half done182 viewsThe backs of both chairs are complete, and I am about halfway through fitting and housing the side rails.rbrendler
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